Product catalog for IEK company
A large web application based on Next.js, responsible for rendering the product catalog. The most highly loaded project among those that I have developed.
- More than 30,000 product cards;
- More than 25,000 unique users daily;
- Display information in 3 languages;
- 3 design themes;
- Used on 5 company websites.
I am responsible for the frontend on the project. You can watch at:
Product test results database
The interface is written on mock data.A service for conveniently saving, editing and viewing information and testing products for compliance with GOST and TU standards.
- Access to the application is only for authorized users;
- A complex form for creating a Test Sheet that creates entities in a cascade;
- Several forms of reports generated on the client side;
- Caching data to prevent loss of partially completed forms;
- Frontend: Next.js, Backend: directus, Additionally: Redux
I am responsible for backend and frontend on the project. Access to the project is limited, but I am ready to demonstrate its functionality and code in person.